Pecorino Toscano DOP

Among the documents recalling the history of Pecorino Toscano we find the ‘Manuale del Pecoraio’ (Shepherd’s Handbook), written in 1832 by Ignazio Malenotti, a member of the Linnean Society of Paris. The vademecum pays tribute to this cheese and for the first time refers to two types of cacio: the strong one that ‘pinches’ and the sweet one. The end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century were years of great production due to the revival of sheep farming, which stopped in the 1930s in favour of agriculture. It was in the 1970s that sheep farming resumed, also due to the arrival in Tuscany of Sardinian shepherds who introduced their activities and traditions, including cheese-making.
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    Pecorino Toscano P.D.O.

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    Tuscany; Umbria: municipalities of Allerona and Castiglione del Lago;
    Lazio: municipalities of Acquapendente, Onano, San Lorenzo Nuovo, Grotte di Castro, Gradoli, Valentano, Farnese, Ischia di Castro, Montefiascone, Bolsena and Capodimonte

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    uncooked, soft or semi-hard fat cheese, possibly with fine, unevenly distributed eyes

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    sheep, whole, raw or pasteurised

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    non-edible, yellow in colour with various shades up to deep yellow, can be treated with antimould

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    minimum period of 20 days (Pecorino Toscano Tenero);
    minimum period of 4 months (Pecorino Toscano Stagionato)

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    September to June