Asiago P.D.O.

Produced in the Asiago plateau, its history is very ancient. The typical grazing animal of that area, back in the year 1000, was the sheep, which not only produced the ancestor of today’s Asiago, but also provided warm wool for the various urban settlements there. It was only later that Benedictine monks introduced cattle into those lands and throughout northern Italy, thus replacing sheep breeding and the milk that came from it.
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    Asiago P.D.O.

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    Veneto: provinces of Vicenza, Padua, Treviso; Trentino-Alto Adige: province of Trento

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    Asiago pressato: hard, semi-cooked, fat cheese with large, irregular eyes. Asiago d'Allevo: hard, semi-cooked, semi-fat cheese with small and medium eyes. They can bear the label "mountain product"

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    Cow's milk, whole, raw or pasteurized for pressed Asiago; cow's milk, part-skimmed, raw or thermised for Asiago d'Allevo

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    non-edible, smooth rind (Asiago d'Allevo); thin and elastic (Asiago Pressato). Sometimes treated

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    minimum period of 20 days for Asiago Pressato and of 30 days for Asiago Pressato "mountain product"; minimum period of 60 days for Asiago d'Allevo and of 90 days from the last day of the month of production for Asiago d'Allevo "mountain product"

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    annual, summer (mountain pasture)